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1. Obtain the names, telephone numbers and addresses of any and all witnesses who may have seen, or even heard, you fall.  Additionally be sure to obtain the names, phone numbers and addresses of any and all employees who may have witnessed you fall.

2. Attempt to recall any statements made by store employees at the time of accident that can be used to hold the store liable.  For example, " I was told to clean that mess up but did not," goes to the issue of notice and serves as proof that the store management knew a problem existed.

3. Make sure your fall is promptly reported to the store manager or person most directly in charge of the premises.

4. Determine/identify the substance or item that caused you to slip and fall.

5. If you have a cell phone that shoots videos or takes pictures, make sure you take a shot of whatever was on the floor or near the area where you fell.  In the event you are without a cell phone that is photo or video capable, try to find someone nearby to take a picture with their cell phone.  You also may want to see if the store you are at has disposable cameras as well.

6. If possible, attempt to determine the origin of the substance or item you slipped on.  For example, there may have been water leaking from a malfunctioning refrigerator or freezer. By showing that the substance had been on the floor for a long period of time, it could show that management or an employee of the store had the proper notice under the law, and thus had ample time to clean up the material before you slipped and fell.

7. Try to get a copy of the incident report that will likely be prepared by the store manager in response to your fall.

8.  Most of all seek medical help right away to determine the nature of your injuries.

If you should have slip and fall at supermarket or grocery store in Stratford or Bridgeport or anywhere in Connecticut give me a call. 

Lauren Winer Beck     

Free Initial Consultation

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