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Posted by Lauren Beck | Oct 14, 2021 | 0 Comments

Once again the holiday season is upon us. For many of us we will be spending it with family and friends.

Though some of us will have to make other arrangements to celebrate as many of us have few relatives left and have friends who moved away and have lost touch.

It is important to celebrate the holidays and not that important to celebrate them traditionally.

This would be a nice time to practice cooking skills and even simple holiday decorating even if you are not a Marsha Stewart lifestyle guru.

If you can't cook buy a roasted chicken at the supermarket and make some sides even if they are not made from scratch, like instant potatoes, canned carrots and cranberry sauce and  buy a fresh made pie. 

If need be call a friend and plan a thanksgiving dinner because you took the initiative to do so.

As a lawyer, I have to make things happen by working op my cases mostly through preparation and communication with others.

Planning ahead plays a huge part in practicing law and in making the holidays!

So be joyous throughout the holiday season no matter what life brings you and be thankful for what you got!!!

And remember if all else fails make that chicken dinner and call a friend.

Lauren Winer Beck    

About the Author

Lauren Beck

PERSONAL INFORMATION I was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut.  I have studied ballet, jazz and dancing since I was 3 years old and pursued this hobby with great passion. As a  dance enthusiast, I very much enjoy the visual arts as well,  including watercolor p...


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