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Posted by Lauren Beck | Oct 26, 2023 | 0 Comments

Neck pain after a car accident is called whiplash. It occurs due to rapid to and fro stretching in the neck muscles, joints, nerves, intervertebral discs, and ligaments.  Severity can depend on the sitting position, face angle and the collisions impact.

Symptoms of Whiplash:

1. Stiff neck muscles that hurt upon touching with a mere finger.

2. Constant headache and tired eyes: Vision can also be disturbed.

3. Dizziness.

4. Unable to concentrate or pay attention for more extended periods.

5. Pain in the back and limbs.

6. Extremely difficult to chew or swallow food down the throat.

7. Constant ringing sound in the ear.

8. A slight fever and muscle fatigue.

9. Anxiety and depression.

10. Unable to lift anything with hands or even on the back.

If you experience these symptoms after a car accident consult with your doctor right away and seek immediate treatment. 

About the Author

Lauren Beck

PERSONAL INFORMATION I was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut.  I have studied ballet, jazz and dancing since I was 3 years old and pursued this hobby with great passion. As a  dance enthusiast, I very much enjoy the visual arts as well,  including watercolor p...


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