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Posted by Lauren Beck | Dec 03, 2018 | 0 Comments

Don't be in the dark about the settlement value of your lawsuit or legal claim.

How much is your case worth? 

Many clients ask this same question and certainly it is a very intelligent question to ask.

However, the answer is not a simple one.  It depends on the individual facts of your claim and who is at fault.  Assuming the other guy or gal is at fault, and you are not, typically the case is worth about 4 times the medical bills, property damages and lost wages, if any. 

This formula is a basic formula I use in evaluating a car crash where a client has soft tissue injuries.  For bigger cases where there is a catastrophic injury or wrongful death, obviously the case is worth alot more depending on the severity of the injuries and permanent disabilities you may suffer.  But that is for another blog post.

The Length of time it takes to settle a soft tissue injury case. I anticipate between 8 months to a year.  This is just a basic rule of thumb.  Some of the cases take longer if not settled presuit and the case proceeds to trial which could take about 18 months from the date the suit is filed.

I hope this blog helps sheds some light on how much your case is worth  and takes the mystery and uncertainty of evaluating your case out of the darkness and into the light in order to give you a better understanding of your case.   

Lauren Winer Beck Attorney at law.     

About the Author

Lauren Beck

PERSONAL INFORMATION I was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut.  I have studied ballet, jazz and dancing since I was 3 years old and pursued this hobby with great passion. As a  dance enthusiast, I very much enjoy the visual arts as well,  including watercolor p...


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